Our Role

Root Local serves as the backbone organization for collective impact planning. Our role is to create the space for collaboration between a diverse set of stakeholders and guide the collective towards development and implementation of a shared vision for environmental impact and sustainability.


We inspire a productive process where all members have the opportunity to learn from each other. We foster steady progress towards common goals, helping with communications, scheduling, coordination, governance infrastructure, information sharing, data management, and attracting financial resources.


We also educate the community on the features and benefits of the collective impact plan and the recommended step-by-step actions individuals, communities, and organizations can take to meet the plan’s goals and objectives. We administer programs and services that connect individuals and businesses with information and resources that support their own as well as the plan’s environmental sustainability commitments.

View our strategic plan


Root Local convenes environmental allies, identifies opportunities for impact, connects stakeholders, and educates communities to conserve our natural resources.


We envision a future where Atlantans know their environmental footprint and are empowered to make global impact on a local scale.

Our Values

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    As the old saying goes: If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.

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    The only way we can create trust and become a source for information is by being open, honest, and clear with each other.

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    We're in this for the long haul. It’s on us to bring everyone to the table and create trust by creating an environment where being transparent with each other is paramount.

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    To truly move the needle, we must ensure we are staying true to our words. All Atlantans have the right to clean natural resources and to have an equitable voice.